Without a doubt, rubs are the king of deer sign and many hunters actively look for rubs and rub lines while scouting and hunting whitetails.

Without a doubt, rubs are the king of deer sign and many hunters actively look for rubs and rub lines while scouting and hunting whitetails.
Botfly larvae infest the white-tailed deer’s nasal cavity and make their lives pretty miserable throughout the year throughout North America.
It is a common question any time a hunter shoots a whitetail for the wall: What are the main features of the best deer head mounts?
I remember when the mere sight of a deer track sent shivers down my spine. That’s how rare deer were in the Northwoods where I learned to hunt. A fresh track in the mud or snow was cause for celebration; hours of “what if” intrigue; and, above all, renewed hope for the hunt. Has deer hunting […]
Single-cam bows. Mechanical broadheads. In-line muzzleloaders. Go back 20 years, and you can realize all of the amazing improvements we’ve seen infiltrate our deer hunting world. I’ve been beyond blessed to have seen this community grow and mature during the past two decades during more than 20 years working at the same media company. I’ve also […]
What a cool video! Check out the scene as a white-tailed doe nearly gets mugged by four hungry fawns! We get the question a lot here at Deer & Deer Hunting: Will a white-tailed doe nurse fawns that aren’t hers? The typical answer is “no,” at least not for prolonged periods. But that’s not to […]