Auburn University Deer Lab is leading the way in regards to studying the impacts of feral hogs on other species — particularly white-tailed deer.

Auburn University Deer Lab is leading the way in regards to studying the impacts of feral hogs on other species — particularly white-tailed deer.
Host Daniel Schmidt takes on a piece of fallow ground with the bare minimum required to turn it into a fantastic DIY food plot.
Dan Schmidt and Ted Nugent share their thoughts on the current and future state of the hunting community.
Dan Schmidt visits Steve Bartylla in the Golden Triangle of Illinois and has some slug gun fun as he helps Steve in his whitetail management efforts.
Brad Fenson has the newest TenPoint crossbow in his hands, and the Oklahoma whitetails are in the crosshairs.
Mark Kayser puts his rattling and grunt calling skills to the test as he hunts with Hornady for whitetail in Nebraska.
Can you identify and hunt deer bedding areas? Dan Schmidt is in beautiful Northeast Wyoming hunting pronghorns and whitetail.
The DDH crew dives deep into the unpredictable travel patterns during the whitetail rut and gives advice on how to increase your chances of success.
Mock scrapes don’t solve all the problems when it comes to deer hunting, but they can make a difference.
Gordy Krahn has a much-coveted Iowa whitetail tag, which is sort of a Christmas present since this muzzleloader hunt begins on December 26.