The all-new Ergo-Max 6-piece pro-grade processing kit from Outdoor Edge redefines the experience of processing your own wild game.

The all-new Ergo-Max 6-piece pro-grade processing kit from Outdoor Edge redefines the experience of processing your own wild game.
This step-by-step guide shows you how to remove the whole hide while minimizing the amount of hair left on the meat.
Ten-year-old Jordan Toerck had been pestering her knifemaker father, Bobby Toerck, to make her a knife for a while. But she was still young, so Bobby held her off. He promised to make her a knife when she got her first deer. In January, she did just that. True to his word, Dad made a […]
Is the path leading to your favorite tree stand littered with nasty berry brush, weeds and vines? Does it look like this: That’s what mine looked like yesterday. That was before I got my hands on the new Brush Demon from Outdoor Edge: My friend David Bloch of Outdoor Edge told me this new outdoor/survival […]
In part two of his series, Al Cambronne looks at knife features that work and those that don’t.
Al Cambronne, co-author of Gut It. Cut It. Cook It.: The Deer Hunter’s Guide to Processing and Preparing Venison shows how smaller knives are more effective when it comes to deer hunting.
The Swingblade at Native Outdoors is the ultimate tool for dressing game.