You can turn your property into a rut-hunting hot spot by making these improvements from Steve Bartylla.
Tag: doe estrus
Easy-to-Use Doe Estrous Scent
Golden Estrus® Extra Premium Doe Urine with Estrus Secretions is now available in new high-performance Super Charged® scent sprays.
Drive Bucks Wild This Rut With Buck-Fire
Wildlife Research Center has now released Buck-Fire Raging Estrus, the latest in their line of high-performance, super premium Micro Brew Craft Scents.
Special Golden Estrus: 30 Years an Industry Insider
Originally Special Golden Estrus was only available as a special favor to a select few industry insiders. It’s been 30 years now this amazing product was made public.
Deciphering Deer Breeding Phases | Understanding Mature Bucks
Knowing what triggers estrus and how deer breeding phases are dictated by fawn survival rates is helpful in nailing when to be in trees.