One of David’s favorite seasons of the year is antlerless gun season in Wisconsin. And where he’s going to hunt, they are plentiful!

One of David’s favorite seasons of the year is antlerless gun season in Wisconsin. And where he’s going to hunt, they are plentiful!
Get doe management tips that will lead to better buck hunting and a healthier herd in this latest podcast.
In some parts of the country, deer numbers are declining. Should we consider a ceasefire on antlerless deer? The answer is yes, no and maybe.
Editor-in-Chief Dan Schmidt unravels the social structure of the whitetail doe community. Meanwhile, already tagged out on a big buck in Texas, outdoor writer Brad Fenson turns his sights to mature does.
After a rough week in Missouri, Brad Rucks heads back home to Wisconsin to hunt the firearms season opener with his son Tinsae.
Everybody is always fighting about does. Should you shoot them? Should you not? Well, the team explains why you’re all probably right and wrong.
You can turn your property into a rut-hunting hot spot by making these improvements from Steve Bartylla.
Take a look at how nutrition plays a role in whitetail health, how bucks and does live differently on the landscape, and why bucks grow larger.
Dan Schmidt and Dr. Stephen S. Ditchkoff explain their beliefs on whitetail sex ratios and provide scientific insights into buck-to-doe ratios within a whitetail herd.
D+DH fan Matt O’Hair sent us this video of a buck trying to mount the doe on his meat pole.