Deer Talk Now: We’re Celebrating With Your Hunting Questions!

Wooohoo! Deer Talk Now, sponsored by Federal Premium Ammo, is celebrating its 100th episode and we’re throwing the big par-tay with your fantastic questions about deer hunting! When Deer Talk Now was first conceived three years ago, the format was pretty basic: Have expert deer hunters, land managers, biologists, company representatives and others visit the […]

Eddie Claypool on Do-It-Yourself Deer Hunting

Tom Miranda of the Whitetail SLAM has authored a new book, The Rut Hunters. This Tom Miranda blog features excerpts from that book. Of his beginning in the Coues deer quest, Eddie Claypool of Oklahoma remembers quite well his initial planning for his trip into the desert. “The first year was 1994 and I just decided to give Coues deer a try, […]

Firearms Group Endorses Candidates

The Buckeye Firearms Association announced grades and endorsements for candidates running for office in the 2012 Ohio general election. BFA, a grassroots, non-partisan, all-volunteer political action committee, graded more than 250 candidates on their support for gun rights in Ohio. Of these, 109 candidates earned their highly coveted official endorsement. These include candidates running for […]