This complex lure contains doe urine with estrous secretions and at the same time, incorporates additional strong attraction qualities to pique many of a buck’s interests all at once.
Tag: lure
Late-Season Scent Tactics
Discover the best scents and delivery methods to use during late-season hunting.
Deer Hunting Scent Dispersal Methods
Deer scents all depend on the product getting to the whitetail’s nose. Lure deer in for a shot with these dispersal methods from Tink’s.
Deer Are Drawn to Heated Scent Candles
Hot Trails not only covers your scent, it will also lure deer into your sights. When lit safely in the mini lantern, it can burn up to five hours.
This Whitetail Behavior is Most Puzzling | Whitetail Wisdom Blog
If you have ever seen a deer engage in this behavior, you would correctly assume that it is most often conducted during the rut. However, this isn’t the only time of year deer do it, and — even more bizarre — bucks aren’t the only ones that engage in the scent-making and marking exercise. Yes, […]