Dan Schmidt heads down to some of the best deer hunting land in North America to help manage the doe and buck herds there with his good friend and land management expert, Steve Bartylla.

Dan Schmidt heads down to some of the best deer hunting land in North America to help manage the doe and buck herds there with his good friend and land management expert, Steve Bartylla.
Dan Schmidt and Dr. Stephen Ditchkoff of Auburn University discuss whether or not the “cull” buck exists, scientifically speaking that is.
There are very specific instances for when it actually makes sense to take a management buck. Here’s what they are.
Dan Schmidt and Dr. Stephen S. Ditchkoff discuss whether cull bucks help herd genetics or if it’s all just a myth.
Dan Schmidt encounters an Illinois giant that demonstrates the value of taking out mature animals as opposed to trophy racks.
A lot of hunters use the term “management buck” as an excuse to shoot a deer from their property. Some do it simply because they want to have fun and tag a deer, while others do it thinking