If you look at mere numbers, the 7-year-run would rank up there with Babe Ruth in the 1920s, Wilt Chamberlain in the 1960s and Tom Brady in the 2000s. And like all those individuals, it started with one breakthrough season. Yes, I’m talking about THAT infamous Michigan whitetail, as this year marks the 25th anniversary […]
Tag: Mitch Rompola
#43: ROMPOLA BUCK WAS ‘TOTAL BS’ | Deer Talk Now Podcast
John Eberhart explains why he believes the Rompola story was “absolutely ridiculous” and would have never stood up to today’s scrutiny.
#4: NEW INSIGHTS ON THE ROMPOLA BUCK with John Eberhart | Deer Talk Now Podcast
John Eberhart pulls no punches when telling Dan Schmidt why he thinks Michigan’s infamous Rompola Buck was real, fake or something else.
Was the Rompola Buck Real?
The Rompola Buck. If you’ve been around the deer world as long as I’ve been, a few names need no introduction. That one is perhaps the most infamous. Was it real or just an elaborate fake? And, if it were real, how could it just seemingly disappear almost as fast as it appeared? Let’s […]