The whitetail scored 315-1/8 B&C points and was ranked the fifth biggest nontypical buck ever in the Boone and Crockett Club record books.

The whitetail scored 315-1/8 B&C points and was ranked the fifth biggest nontypical buck ever in the Boone and Crockett Club record books.
The exclusive Ishi Award is the highest honor which the Pope and Young Club can bestow upon a bowhunter.
This normally nocturnal giant finally decided to get up and move in daylight with cold temperatures and high pressure. Bill Luli was in the right place at the right time and was ready.
A last-minute scouting mission and good fortune leads to a close bowhunting encounter with a Badger State nontypical buck of a lifetime.
The Boone and Crockett Club has reviewed and accepted the scoring of the nontypical record book buck killed in November 2016 by Stephen Tucker in Tennessee. Tucker shot a 47-point buck that scored 312+ on the third day of Tennnessee’s 2016 muzzleloader season. He was hunting from a ground blind on private land that is […]
Most deer hunters consider a nontypical buck to be one with a regular rack and drop tines, kicker points, weird tines or anything else abnormal that would make you do a double-take. What about a gigantic buck with foot-long spikes? Yep, that probably would qualify as a nontypical? It darn sure is freaky! Dennie Bowman of […]