John Eberhart is a public-land hunting expert from Michigan. In this episode, he explains how to keep your backpack scent-free while hunting highly pressured whitetails.

John Eberhart is a public-land hunting expert from Michigan. In this episode, he explains how to keep your backpack scent-free while hunting highly pressured whitetails.
Your footwear is everything when it comes to deer hunting. Rain, snow, mud, and everything else mother nature throws at you can affect walking conditions, tree stand vigils, and spot-and-stalk adventures.
John Eberhart shows how you can use air-activated warmers to help you stay on stand longer this deer season.
Dressing in layers and staying scent free are important factors while hunting later in the year. John Eberhart shows us his collection of clothing and how he stays scent free all season long.
Deer decoys can be very effective during the rut, but which type should you use when hunting pressured whitetails … buck or doe decoy? John Eberhart has both and shows us which ones he uses and why.
Calling to white-tailed deer is a very common tactic, but there’s a right place and right time to do so. John Eberhart goes in depth about the techniques for calling and rattling on public, pressured land.
How cool is this — a gear and clothes changing station in a hunting vehicle? John Eberhart shows us how he gets ready to hit the woods when hunting public land whitetails.
John Eberhart isn’t paid a dime by anyone to talk about activated carbon and how it works. He simply believes in its effectiveness, especially for hunting wary whitetails on public lands. He explains more in this latest episode of Public & Pressured Land Deer Hunter.
Most hunters enter and exit their stands when it’s dark. That also causes problems on direction and location. John Eberhart uses night tacks in trees to help find his stand in the dark.
Hunting on public land can be a challenge, there’s a lot of gear including one that device that keeps you safe: a full-body safety harness. John Eberhart has another handy tool he likes to use for a safety harness AND a tree stand.