Whitetail deer management can be challenging. Can you produce heavy-racked bucks without knowing precisely how many deer are on your land?

Whitetail deer management can be challenging. Can you produce heavy-racked bucks without knowing precisely how many deer are on your land?
By creating a definitive bedding area, you are likely to hold big bucks on the property and have a better idea of where they will be during hunting season.
Man has always strived to be the best at what he does, and this same attitude applies to deer hunting, and more importantly, deer management. As a consequence of sportsmen’s insatiable desire to pursue larger-racked bucks and managers’ willingness to satisfy their requests, a variety of techniques have been tested to augment the size of […]
You’ve put trail cameras all over your property and one buck in particular has snagged your attention. He’s the wide 8-pointer with the split brow tines on the right and a sticker off the left G3 — the one you have photos of throughout the summer licking your mineral block. The one you’ve been careful […]
As we drove through the night, the orange glows of numerous prescribed burns dotted the Kansas landscape. We had just finished a day of shed hunting, and a pretty successful one at that. It’s not often you can cover so much ground knowing that the sheds from many giant whitetails are hidden so close by. […]
What is it about white-tailed deer that makes them so hard to predict? Better yet, how much are deer patterning hunters each season?
One never knows what will be discussed when a bunch of deer hunters get together. but one thing is certain: if you want a heated debate just bring up the subject of deer management. It is a sure fire starter. Invariably things such as deer biologists have no clue about how many deer need to be […]
They say the best opportunities come when you’re not looking for them, and this one certainly did. It was Memorial Day weekend 2012, and my wife and I were visiting my in-laws’ cabin. We were playing cards and swapping fish stories one evening when the neighbor, a realtor, changed our lives with one sentence. By […]
“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. It’s probably one of the greatest quotes ever, but it wasn’t penned for deer management. It should have been. As my home state of Wisconsin puts the close to its annual 9-day firearms season, I’m both saddened and discouraged over our future. This was the […]
Zombie whitetails aren’t the norm but occasionally one will have a problem with what biologists identify as a brain abscess and may indeed exhibit zombie-like traits. Chas Moore, Wildlife Biologist, with the Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, wrote about the problem of brain abscesses. They’re seen most often in bucks in the southeast […]