If you think estrous scents are not essential, you should pay more attention to what the deer are doing.
Tag: rut tactics
Rut Patterns | Understanding Mature Bucks
Some hunters will say you can’t pattern rutting bucks. I’m saying that’s all wrong. Here is how I follow rut patterns.
How to Pattern a Mature Buck
Stop listening to all the so-called experts. Yes, you can learn enough about a big buck’s behavior to sneak in and outsmart him when his guard is down. Here’s how to do it.
Tips for Hunting the December Rut
This is the time of year that many hunters have put away their hunting gear for the season. But, dedicated whitetail hunters understand that the late season presents some unique opportunities, including subtle rut action.
Multiply the Force of Deer Scent Lures
The rut is all about hunting bucks when their primary focus is to find does. By imitating the doe/buck dynamics near your stand using the scent strategies outlined here, you will stack the deck in your favor.
Amp Up Your Whitetail Rut Scent Strategies
Although scent plays a big part in a whitetail’s life year-round, its importance seriously ramps up this time of year during the rut – learn how to take advantage of this fact.
Learn Buck Behavior During the Rut
Steve Bartylla provides insights on how to think like a buck and stay a step ahead of deer during the rut.
5 Great Rifle Locations for No-Rut Whitetail Hunting
Rifle hunters who want to up the odds of punching their early season whitetail tags should key in on these top five locations.