Understanding why bucks shift core areas with the seasons can be key to scoring on shifting bucks or stopping them from shifting altogether.

Understanding why bucks shift core areas with the seasons can be key to scoring on shifting bucks or stopping them from shifting altogether.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources recently announced a new app for Android phones (iPhone coming soon?) that will allow hunters to check the exact time for shooting hours in their hunting location. No more confusing maps or forgotten regulations booklets and wondering if that buck or duck coming into your spot is fair game. […]
My wife asked recently why we have four trash bags full of plastic milk jugs piled up in a corner of our garage, instead of putting them in the recycling bin with the other stuff accumulated each week in our household. By Alan Clemons, Southern Managing Editor Because, I replied, when I want to go […]
The 2012-2013 West Virginia Hunting and Trapping Regulations Summary brochure is available at all West Virginia hunting and fishing license agents, Division of Natural Resources district offices, the Elkins Operation Center and South Charleston Headquarters. This regulations summary also is available online at the Division of Natural Resources’ website: www.wvdnr.gov. Significant changes are in place […]
Legislation that would have nearly doubled the price of hunting licenses in Maryland faced a rare defeat in the House of Delegates Monday night after a lively debate. The bill would have increased the cost of a hunting license from $24.50 to $40 as well as imposed various other fees related to hunting stamps, with […]
Have you ever asked yourself this question while scouting in the winter or looking for shed antlers in spring: Can deer tracks reveal the sex of an individual deer? Hunters often disagree about whether it’s possible to identify a deer’s sex by looking at its tracks. However, some experienced hunters believe it is often […]
D&DH was developed under the direction of white-tailed deer hunters offering comprehensive and practical information about white-tailed deer and deer hunting techniques — the type of editorial no one else has been able to imitate. Subscribe now. Inside This Issue • Use these seven proven tactics to improve your odds in the woods this fall. […]
D&DH was developed under the direction of white-tailed deer hunters offering comprehensive and practical information about white-tailed deer and deer hunting techniques — the type of editorial no one else has been able to imitate. Subscribe now. Inside This Issue • Have you committed a deer hunting sin if you shoot a young-of-the-year whitetail? • […]
by Robert Foan, D&DH reader On Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010, my son Brody (14) killed his very first whitetail buck in Wisconsin. He shot it with his Hoyt Kobalt set at 50 pounds using an Easton Axis ST arrow and a 100-grain G5 Montec Brodhead. The shot was taken at 23 yards on buck quartering […]