All outdoorsmen and women can enjoy the outdoors while being protected from ticks and other biting insects with Gamehide’s ElimiTick gear.

All outdoorsmen and women can enjoy the outdoors while being protected from ticks and other biting insects with Gamehide’s ElimiTick gear.
An explosion in ticks is causing deer and moose deaths in Vermont this winter, as researchers report finding individual infestations that number in the tens of thousands. According to the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife, the high number of moose in the northeastern corner of Vermont has stimulated a dramatic increase in winter ticks, […]
It’s a hot humid day and you’ve spent hours walking through the woods, brushing up again shrubs and foliage while scouting sites for opening day. You come inside to change and see a little something on your ankle. Is it a freckle you didn’t notice before? One that wasn’t there a few hours ago? It […]
There are not many things worse than spending a spring turkey hunt covered in ticks. A tick bite can become a life changing problem with tick-borne illnesses like Lyme Disease making it very important to protect yourself from ticks. Our Elimitick Ultra-Lite Bib (TSB) will give you great coverage against ticks. Built using exclusive SuppleTuff […]
A second bacteria that causes Lyme disease carried by the same deer tick has different symptoms than the more common ones sustained by those infected with the disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic and state health department officials from North Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota announced the finding last February. They revealed […]
Lyme disease, a bacterial infection spread by deer ticks, is getting a heck of a boost in one of the nation’s hardest-hit areas and that should help everyone affected by this terrible disease. Millions are being poured into a new laboratory and research facility that will focus on testing ticks and more studies on how the […]
One of the main differences between city life and country life is the abundance of time I now spend outside. In the winter, we’re outside cross country skiing and ice skating, building snowmen, and restocking our woodpile (free heat courtesy of hard work). This year, we are all eager for sunshine and green grass after […]
A new virus transmitted by ticks has been confirmed by medical researchers after about four years of investigation following the infection of two men in Missouri. The mysterious disease now called The Heartland Virus was announced July 22 in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Research suggests the virus can be transmitted to […]
It can start with pain, itching, redness and swelling in the area of the skin, and in more pronounced cases, it can include fever, headache, fatigue, and/or a skin rash. The culprit is a tick bite, and if left untreated, it can lead to Lyme disease, which can spread to the joints, heart and nervous […]
If you’re a deer hunter getting your bowhunting skills honed on a 3D range or working at deer camp, or a turkey hunter chasing gobblers, the last thing you want to worry about is ticks. But the reality is in spring and summer ticks are out and looking for a host. Could be a dog, […]