Watch how Tink’s is helping to stop the spread of CWD in deer in this episode of HuntTech.

Watch how Tink’s is helping to stop the spread of CWD in deer in this episode of HuntTech.
Deer scents all depend on the product getting to the whitetail’s nose. Lure deer in for a shot with these dispersal methods from Tink’s.
Kristy Titus has her sights on a big mature buck during the Kansas rut. Will this deer follow the script? Find out in this episode.
If you use a deer scent at the wrong time of the season, whitetails will be on red alert! Find out when to use three Tink’s products for optimal results.
A commercially available CWD test has been in use by WRC and Tink’s for a year, and most of the major scent companies are also adopting this technology.
Tink’s deer lures have been trusted by generations of deer hunters for almost 50 years, and now the new Tink’s Fogger, with 100 percent pure scent dispersal, uses an innovative Bag-On-Valve System to waft scent for long-lasting attraction.