Steve Bartylla gives his top tips for tracking deer in this episode of Hunt ‘em Big.

Steve Bartylla gives his top tips for tracking deer in this episode of Hunt ‘em Big.
Award-winning outdoor writer Richard Smith gives his expert advice on tracking wounded deer as well as his thoughts on antler point restrictions, baiting and the spread of deer diseases.
Do you agree or disagree with the following rules for gut-shot deer? What would you add? Allow me to preface this conversation by saying this blog post is written mostly for bowhunters — compound, recurve and crossbow — but the general tenants apply to all deer hunters. Who am I to provide these rules? Nobody, […]
In this episode, we show a real-life example of what to do when the shot isn’t what you wanted.
Take a walk down memory lane with R.G. Bernier and Charlie Alsheimer as they track big bucks.
The pioneer of using tracking dogs for recovering wounded big game in America, John Jeanneney, will be missed by many.
Knowing when to start tracking a deer makes for a better hunter. Understand when to go after a deer and when to wait after the shot.
When I began hunting one of the most intriguing aspects was how my father could find deer based on the shot placement and what he saw on the ground.