With no uniform approach to battle chronic wasting disease, state wildlife officials must work with federal officials and each other to fight CWD.

With no uniform approach to battle chronic wasting disease, state wildlife officials must work with federal officials and each other to fight CWD.
Chronic wasting disease was discovered in Norway in spring 2016 and also has been confirmed in South Korea, making it a worldwide problem.
Research into chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer shows that infectious prions may be spread by the animals at food and water sources.
Scientific research shows white-tailed deer can transmit the prions that cause chronic wasting disease, and some of those ways may be surprising.
A research study confirms that maternal transmission of chronic wasting disease to fawns is possible via different pathways.
Top biologists, researchers, wildlife officials and others are gathering in Michigan this week to discuss chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer.
The latest news out of western Wisconsin: another case of chronic wasting disease found in a penned-deer operation operating at an insane deer density. The deer, a 7-year-old doe, tested positive. The National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, confirmed the test results. As a result, tens of thousands of Wisconsin deer hunters will be […]
Despite chronic wasting disease having been around for more than four decades, wildlife biologists still haven’t been able to figure out how to stop or slow the spread of the fatal deer disease. Now, it appears to have doubled in the percentage of deer in one state where officials are trying to take their next […]
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Michigan State University Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health announced that epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) has been confirmed in a white-tailed deer in Muskegon County. This is the first Michigan county confirmed to have EHD hit this fall. The disease is caused by a virus that is […]
During the drought of 2012, hunters came face to face with diseases that were responsible for the deaths of many deer across the country including thousands in the upper Midwest due to epizootic hemorrhagic disease. On the next episode of Deer & Deer Hunting TV, experts take a look at the various diseases that afflict […]