Whoa! A Density of 8,907 Deer Per Square Mile?

The latest news out of western Wisconsin: another case of chronic wasting disease found in a penned-deer operation operating at an insane deer density. The deer, a 7-year-old doe, tested positive. The National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, confirmed the test results. As a result, tens of thousands of Wisconsin deer hunters will be […]

This State Will Feel the Bite of EHD into 2020 Deer Season

NEXT ON DDH TV: What Diseases Do Deer Encounter and Just How Much Do You Know About Them?

During the drought of 2012, hunters came face to face with diseases that were responsible for the deaths of many deer across the country including thousands in the upper Midwest due to epizootic hemorrhagic disease. On the next episode of Deer & Deer Hunting TV, experts take a look at the various diseases that afflict […]