You’d have more and bigger white-tailed bucks to hunt if your state just mirrored what they do in Iowa … right? Wrong. Here’s why.

You’d have more and bigger white-tailed bucks to hunt if your state just mirrored what they do in Iowa … right? Wrong. Here’s why.
With another season in the books, we all have time to enjoy the memories, and hopefully some venison. There’s also time to take inventory and plan for next season, whether that’s scouting public land, mapping new stand sites, or managing private ground. It’s equally important to take self inventory. Reflect on what hunting means to […]
Do you say a hunter’s prayer when you go hunting? Do you believe in praying over a dead deer? What are your thoughts on your relationship as a hunter/predator and how that relates to the animals you bring home for your family’s dinner table? These are all rhetorical questions, of course. I’m simply curious how […]
Deer molting is a sure sign of spring. The reasons why deer lose their hair are fascinating, and yet another sign that Mother Nature knows how to take care of her critters. Deer Molting is a Natural Process If you have trail cameras out, you’ve probably noticed some really ratty-looking deer out there. I’ve received […]
White-tailed deer use scent from their bodies as signposts and communication devices for other deer any time of the year.
If you’ve ever thought that scrapes are “only for the rut,” let this video be proof that deer will continue being deer throughout the year. The video also gives a good visual of five key points about mock scrapes and licking branches used by whitetails: I know we’ve discussed this many times in the past […]
If you’re able to take advantage of a delayed spring, it might provide the benefit of getting in a few extra weeks of scouting for potential tree stand sites for this fall’s deer season. Although cover, food sources and proximity to bedding areas are the three main ingredients I look for when selecting potential stands sites, […]
The biggest deer in the woods are often the result of great genetics and good deer feed, but there are exceptions. Take, for example, the case of this triple-beamed buck. My friend and DDH field editor Les Davenport reported a few years ago that there was a surge in the number of triple-beamed bucks showing up on trail […]
What’s the key to successful deer hunting? The answer is two-fold: Knowledge makes you powerful, but wisdom provides for consistent success. Highly populated whitetail herds certainly provide opportunities for some hunters to blunder into success here and there, but true whitetail wisdom is what will separate you from the guy who fills his buck tag […]
If you’re new to crossbow hunting and aren’t quite sure what to do about getting your bow topped with a scope, here’s some advice that can save you time and money in the long run. When looking at any optics, the key is to go with a scope that ensures reliable adjustments. Shooting a crossbow […]