Chipper Jones Joins Thorn Broadheads

With five years of being on the broadhead market now under Thorn’s belt, along with their radically different technology, the company has gradually gained the attention of some heavy hitters. Working in the bowhunting/outdoor industry means partnering with influencer-type people is almost a must-have to bring about quality brand awareness through social media, television, streaming, etc. — which is obviously effective. Thorn Broadheads is no exception to that rule and has built a respectable, extended team of TV shows/staff partners; Major League Bowhunter being one of the most recent of those!

The team at Major League Bowhunter consists of Brandon Danker, Matt Duff, and last but not least … Chipper Jones! Yes, the living legend, “Hall of Fame” baseball player, who spent his entire baseball career crushing home runs for the Atlanta Braves. After spending time with some Thorn Broadheads in hand, running them through big bucks, and building a quality partnership, the Major League Bowhunter team quickly fell in love.

Photo courtesy of Thorn Broadheads.

After Jones arrowed his biggest Kansas whitetail buck with a Thorn Broadhead, leaving him thoroughly impressed, it allowed Thorn’s CEO, Andy Buchanan, and Chipper to establish some dialogue! With the opportunity for investment in Thorn Broadheads on the table, it opened the door for Chipper to step right in. After a few phone calls together it was no time and they were meeting face to face for serious consideration. In no time, without having to convince, Chipper’s excitement and confidence allowed him and Andy to come to an agreement. Now, Chipper Jones is officially Andy Buchanan’s business partner as Co-Owner of CenterCrossArchery LLC dba. Thorn Broadheads!


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