What’s your favorite snack when you’re deer hunting?
I know, I know, some folks don’t eat anything when they’re on the stand. That’s fine. I’m usually that way, too, if I’m on a short hunt or in an area with a big buck I usually don’t eat anything either. The less noise and movement on my end, the better.
If I’m on a long hunt or in a blind, though, I’ll typically have something to go with my bottle of water. Here are some of my favorites:
PB & J — Extra crunchy peanut butter, please, and grape jelly. How can you go against this All-American favorite?
Trail Mix — Easy to make, available in most convenience stores, and it provides some energy. Even in cold weather this is a good option.
Jerky —Heck yeah, jerky! Deer, beef, possum, whatever. Jerky rocks. Always has and always will.
Protein bars — I’m a fan of the Clif Builder’s protein bars in chocolate or vanilla almond. They’re hearty and I’ll often have one for breakfast with coffee instead of something fatty or sugary.
Snickers or M&Ms Peanut candy — Similar to the PB&J, this is an All-American favorite and available almost anywhere. I have to buy the smallest pack of M&Ms, though, because I could gorge on them.
Fried Pork Chops with Black Eye Peas, Onion and Cornbread — Ah, well, I wouldn’t mind this sometimes when it’s cold in the stand. Better save this one for the camphouse table.
Check out this awesome snack you can make yourself for home or while you’re hunting. The Weston Blog has a ton of other great recipes, too!
Homemade Protein Bars: Sweet Thai Venison
These things are so incredibly good and make for an excellent DIY ‘Pemmican’ (protein) bar. They’re also great snacks for hunting, camping or hiking trips!
– Ingredients –
1 lb lean venison, cubed
1 cup chopped peanuts
4 oz chopped mango
¼ cup peanut oil
⅛ cup honey
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon fish sauce
zest from one lime
1 teaspoon fresh basil, chopped
1 teaspoon sriracha
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon fresh mint
½ teaspoon black pepper
– Tools –
Weston Meat Grinder
Weston Dehydrator
Dehydrator Netting
Grind the venison through the coarse plate of your meat grinder, then again through the fine plate. Combine the ground venison with the remaining ingredients in a large bowl until well mixed. Roll the meat flat, between two sheets of plastic wrap, until you have a ½” thick rectangular sheet.
Transfer the sheet onto a dehydrator tray, covered with netting. Dehydrate at 155°F for 12 hours, or until the bars are completely dry. Once dry, use a large, sharp knife or a pizza cutter to cut the bars apart. Store in an airtight container or in vacuum sealed bags up to one week (if properly dried) or up to 3 months refrigerated.
For more great venison recipes, tips, super photos showing the steps in the recipes and other wild game recipes, be sure to visit the Weston blog at blog.westonproducts.com
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