White-tailed deer need minerals for overall health, milk production for fawns and antler growth during the spring and summer months. Without minerals, deer struggle to achieve their maximum potential.
Deer get minerals through natural forage and supplemental forage, of course. But they also seek areas where they live where minerals are present. You can supplement these natural minerals with your own mineral licks, too. Check state regulations and then build your best mineral licks for deer to use in summer.
Mineral sites also are great for camera surveys, too. Whether you put out salt, create your own combination of minerals or use a commercial brand, you can find out more about the deer on your property and prepare better for hunting season.
Do you know the difference between a mineral lick and a mineral supplement? Or what five minerals are the most important for herd health? D&DH Field Editor Matt Harper has the answers to these questions and more in “The Complete Guide to Mineral Sites.” This Online Course is perfect for those interested in short- and long-term mineral management.