Summer 2009 Issue

The Summer 2009 issue took to a deer stand near you in May. Have a subscription? You’ll want to get one before the season starts this fall.

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Summer 2009 issue of Deer & Deer HuntingAbout us

was developed under the direction of white-tailed deer hunters offering comprehensive and practical information about white-tailed deer and deer hunting techniques — the type of editorial no one else has been able to imitate.

Here are a few highlights from the Summer 2009 issue:

• What’s to become of a hunter’s memories and lessons when he’s no longer here to roam the woods and fields? John H. Brownlee examines this effect.

• Michigan’s Tonly Lapratt is quietly becoming a legend in the deer community thanks to his techniques for improving small properties for big-buck hunting, writes Dave Henderson.

• Charles J. Alsheimer dissects a long-running study unveils the home-range and seasonal travel preferences of mature does.

• This three-step plan, says Les Davenport, for timber management and small-scale logging can put thousands of dollars in your pocket.

• How scouting cameras can help you count the number and size of the deer living on your hunting land. Dick Scorzafava and Walt Larsen have the tips to do it.

• Times have certainly changed for the once-sacred cows of the whitetail world, but are we now shooting too many antlerless deer? Joe Shead explores this trend.

• Compatibility is the key to any good union, writes Matt Harper. When it comes to great food plots, it can be a deal-maker … or breaker.

• Drought cycles can complicate private land deer management efforts, especially when identification of trophy potential is necessary. Justin Bryan offers tips to deal with these cycles.

• Joseph P. Hogan shares seven deer management lessons he learned the hard way in his quest for a small wildlife oasis.

• Archers aren’t unlike the men who work the fields and manage the woodlots where we love to
spend our free time, Rev. Zeke B. Pipher articulates.

• Editor Dan Schmidt looks back at record-breaking big bucks. Subscribe Now!

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