Good intentions aside, will our attempts to manipulate DNA for personal gain by targeting specific bucks have negative implications?
Author: Keri Butt
Culling Bucks to Improve Antler Genetics: Fact or Fiction?
The notion of influencing antler genetics in wild, free-range deer by removing bucks with antlers deemed inferior by some standards has been around for years. But, the research findings on the subject may surprise many hunters.
Understanding the Metabolism of the Wintering Whitetail
How does a deer make it through the winter? Understand how a whitetail survives and thrives, despite enduring unforgiving elements.
Snowmobiler Lays Claim to 180-Inch Illinois Buck
When Caleb Morris, of Amboy, Ill., was launched from his snowmobile on Nov. 20, 2016, after hitting a hard object buried under the 10 inches of recently fallen snow, it was safe to say he was thrown for a loop. Thankfully, Caleb and his snowmobile were no worse for the wear. When he returned home, Caleb relayed […]
Remember ‘Buyer beware!’ When Buying Broadheads Online
Knock-off products aren’t exclusive to over-priced jewelry and handbags, as many bowhunters have discovered when they purchased cheap broadheads online.