Every once in a while bowhunters are faced with the moral dilemma of showing mercy to animals who will likely face a much more brutal death without our willingness to utilize a tag as an act of mercy.

Every once in a while bowhunters are faced with the moral dilemma of showing mercy to animals who will likely face a much more brutal death without our willingness to utilize a tag as an act of mercy.
For Ron, the decision was based on two simple things, saftey and accuracy. See why more and more people are getting a Tenpoint Crossbow.
Whether it’s recoil or sound reduction, silencers have always had their benefits when it comes to hunting but they have become increasingly more difficult to obtain over the years. Brandon Maddox explains how Silencer Central makes the process a whole lot easier.
Outdoor writer Brad Fenson comes back to the Sand Hills of Nebraska to pursue big bucks.
After two years of dedicated practice with his bow, Producer, Ian heads out to the blind to try and get his very first whitetail deer.
Brad Rucks heads to Saskatchewan for his first ever Canada black bear hunt.
Dan Schmidt walks us through how a small property in Pine River Wisconsin can be turned into a small little piece of deer hunting heaven.
Real estate agent Jason walks through one of DDH Properties first ever listings. Then, Dan Schmidt and the DDH crew talk about doe hunting strategies and why it’s ok to take more does off your property.
Dan Schmidt does a walk-through of an amazing hunting property in south-west Wisconsin. Then DDHP Producer, Mackenzie gets experience the property first hand with a spring turkey hunt.
There are many ways you can influence deer movement on a small property. Todd Stittleburg gives us insight on how to set up a barricade for stand access and deer movement on a small property.