Little has been done to stop chronic wasting disease, bovine tuberculosis and other diseases. Here, the author shares his knowledge on what will help as it pertains to Michigan and other big whitetail hunting states.

Little has been done to stop chronic wasting disease, bovine tuberculosis and other diseases. Here, the author shares his knowledge on what will help as it pertains to Michigan and other big whitetail hunting states.
Fifteen-year-old Dylan Meyer from Zeeland, Michigan bagged a 20-point nontypical that is now the state record in the youth category for nontypicals.
A man who vandalized a hunter’s tree stand, resulting in the hunter falling 15 to 20 feet out of his stand, recently received a sentencing.
OK, it took the better part of three months — but the wait was worth the prize for a determined Michigan hunter.
If you are one of the 800,000 hunters who chase whitetails in this state, you should be aware of some current shenanigans (including a rigged survey) involving the Department of Natural Resources and other wildlife policy makers. And, if hunters don’t respond now, these actions might forever change deer hunting both here and elsewhere. The […]
What the MIchigan DNR doesn’t want you to know about the first confirmed case of CWD in the Upper Peninsula is that their inadequate response is going to guarantee spread of the disease among whitetails in the region.
In the rush to jump on the mandatory antler point restriction bandwagon, in some states the basic principles of biology are being ignored in favor of public opinion. The end results are confusion, unhappy hunters and poorly managed deer herds.
Aside from it being opening day of firearms deer season, Nov. 15, 2016, was a special day for 79-year-old Michigan deer hunter Harold Kleinow.