Ian Sanchez joins the podcast and asks Dan Schmidt for answers and explanations on a variety of topics surrounding whitetail predators.
Tag: bears
What Kills the Most Deer in a Year?
STOP! Don’t answer that question without reading this post, because you are probably going to be wrong! First, the question needs some qualifiers. The main question is centered on predation of whitetails across the continental U.S., and it includes all deer from newborn fawns all the way up to grown adults. And, it also centers […]
Is Bear Meat Good for Jerky?
Should you use your hard-earned bear meat to make jerky? Here’s what an expert has to say.
Know the Facts Before Labeling Nugent a ‘Poacher’
So many rumors have followed Ted Nugent over the years, but in the hunting world, one of the most common ones is: “He’s a poacher!” Here is the truth behind his infamous brush with the law.