The pioneer of using tracking dogs for recovering wounded big game in America, John Jeanneney, will be missed by many.

The pioneer of using tracking dogs for recovering wounded big game in America, John Jeanneney, will be missed by many.
Knowing when to start tracking a deer makes for a better hunter. Understand when to go after a deer and when to wait after the shot.
Bizarre bloodtrails often call for an all-out effort. When all else fails, it’s time to call in the hounds.
Taking home your trophy is much easier when you have a clear blood trail to follow. These are a few reasons why some blood trails stop short.
When I began hunting one of the most intriguing aspects was how my father could find deer based on the shot placement and what he saw on the ground.
If the obvious bloodtrail ends after you shoot a deer, don’t give up hope. Trailing may become tougher but you can still find the deer with determination and understanding why the blood stopped.
Whitetail Wisdom blog post for this week: They say the best-laid plans often go awry. Hey, it happens, and usually when we least expect it. The same holds true in deer hunting when our shot misses its mark and (gasp) hits the deer a bit farther back than expected. It’s known as the dreaded “gut […]
There’s nothing worse than feeling the excitement of shooting a big deer turn to desperation when you lose the wounded animal’s track. More often than not, game is lost because of mistakes made during the excited moments after the shot. It’s important to understand that the hunt doesn’t end successfully when you pull the trigger, but […]
Which do you prefer: A fixed blade or mechanical broadhead? Deer & Deer Hunting Editor-in-Chief Dan Schmidt answers this age-old bowhunting question that will continue to be debated for years. Fixed heads are simple, don’t have moving parts and have been time-tested. But expandables are lightweight, have slender profiles and fly like field points, and offer […]
Ask any seasoned deer hunter, and they will tell you that bubbles in deer blood is a good thing. Besides the shot, the very instant my eyes spy the first crimson splashes on the forest floor is perhaps the most exciting moment of a successful hunt. Ranking a close second would be the moment my […]