Decent shot opportunities are few and far between when bowhunting on pressured public land, and this easy tip will help you make the shot when the pressure is on.

Decent shot opportunities are few and far between when bowhunting on pressured public land, and this easy tip will help you make the shot when the pressure is on.
The new year brings renewed optimism and energy as people refocus on their goals and dreams for the future. Anti-trapping and anti-hunting groups are no different, and they have started out 2022 with a jump.
Getting cold and deer hunting go together like peanut butter and jelly. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are key ingredients for warmth in the woods, including one solid game changer.
Long hours in treestands and ground blinds are ahead of us, and the topic of how to keep your toes from freezing off comes up often. Here are a few tricks to keep your feet warm and stay in the game throughout deer season.
On Oct. 1, 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives passed America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act on a voice vote, continuing the significant victories for the nation’s public lands and waters, sportsmen and women, and conservation this year following the historic Great American Outdoors Act passed this summer, among others.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Great American Outdoors Act yesterday afternoon. The vote secures what has been called the most important outdoor legislation of a generation, which was passed in the U.S. Senate back in June.
Storm-damaged areas on public land can be tough to find — they won’t be on any maps. But, the quality deer habitat that storms create make it worth the effort to search them out.
Dangerous, destructive weather can impact a landscape in moments, but it’s not always a bad thing on public hunting land.
The U.S. Senate will vote on the Great American Outdoors Act when it reconvenes in June. The far-reaching public-land bill has bipartisan support to establish the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund, and permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
The dust has finally settled from last week’s Archery Trade Association Show, and the amount of innovative new gear was mind boggling — including new ultralight treestand gear designed with public land hunters in mind.