Antlerless-Only Muzzleloader Weekend Is Set

Ohio hunters have the opportunity to participate in a new antlerless-only deer muzzleloader season Oct. 12-13, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

It is legal to hunt antlerless deer statewide with a muzzleloader or bow during the two-day season. No bucks may be killed regardless of hunting implement.

Antlerless deer include deer without antlers and deer with antlers less than 3 inches in length.

All hunters are required to wear a vest, coat, jacket or coveralls that are either solid hunter orange or camouflage hunter orange.

Hunters will be able to use antlerless permits and either-sex permits during the two-day season. Hunting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset.

This muzzleloader hunt encourages early antlerless harvest. Reducing the deer population early in the hunting season means that more resources will be available for the surviving herd later in the winter. Harvesting does early should make for a more intense rut by encouraging buck movement.

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