A Deer Came In Grunting, and It Sounded Like This

Gordy Krahn knows that a realistic call can make a difference with a wary buck.
Gordy Krahn knows that a realistic call can make a difference with a wary buck.

While hunting in Saskatchewan recently I had a giant doe and her two shaggy donkey yearlings about 30 or 40 yards away when they suddenly looked behind my ground blind.

I already had a lynx come padding through so I figured maybe this was going to be a wolf or sasquatch or something from outer space. Hey, in the middle of the woods in Nowhere, Saskatchewan, you don’t know what might show up.

Braaaappp … Braaaappp … Braaapppppp … Braaaapppp …

A little 6-pointer came into view of my ground blind window. I could hear him before I saw him and he was grunting to beat the band. Two or three steps, Braaaapppp. Couple of steps, Braaaaappppp.

It’s cool to hear critters in the wild when they’re relaxed and acting normal. I figured this teenage buck was a little randy, smelled the doe and figured he’d throw out a few romantic lines. She didn’t care for them at all. But it was fun to watch and to hear the real sounds.

You can do the same with a deer grunt call that makes these sounds, thanks to a specially designed chamber that mimics a buck’s vocal chords. It’s an invaluable tool to use throughout the season and learn when to be subtle or aggressive to get a buck’s attention.

Deer & Deer Hunting Editor Gordy Krahn knows bucks make different sounds and having a super call to mimic them can be a key to putting one on the ground.

“This is an amazing value,” Krahn said. “The Stretchback Grunter Kit from DUEL Game Calls not only includes its two-chambered call that produces incredibly accurate deer vocalizations, it comes with a bunch of other resources that are guaranteed to make you a better hunter. Three D&DH TV digital downloads, ‘Rattling and Calling Secrets’ digital online course with Robert Zaglin, and a D&DH download on how to use deer calls. Oh, my!”

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