Mineral licks that deer use

Easiest Mineral Site You Ever Will Make for Deer!

If you enjoy creating mineral licks for deer but aren’t crazy about just dumping minerals on the ground then you must check out this very cool product for hunters.

Mineral Mizer’s porous bag allows minerals to drip during rainfall. This helps create a mineral lick below the bag. You can hang it in a tree, tie it on a limb and be done. Check out the press release about it:

Mineral Mizer bag

You may have heard it said, “Greatness is built in the offseason.” The same is true for your deer herd. While summer may not be a time of harvesting, it is certainly a time of growth and development; a time where minerals and nutrition are paramount.

Beat the heat this summer and stress less with Mineral Mizer. Each MAX-I-MIZER or Wild Buck Mineral Mizer Blend, available in Acorn, Apple or Persimmon, is made with key nutrients essential to the health of your deer. The blends feature a combination of minerals that is not only extremely attractive to deer, but gives fawns a better-than-average chance of developing into healthy full-bodied adults.

Couple any Mineral Mizer nutrient with the strong geotextile Mineral Mizer Bag and you have the key to success come fall.

The Mineral Mizer Bag provides a constant fresh drip of nourishing minerals to the surface of the ground with the help of moisture in the air and an occasional rain shower. This drip will last for an entire year. Deer find this mineral lick irresistible and will continue to return for more.

This porous bag is weather-resistant and built to withstand the perils of Mother Nature and other curious wildlife.

Never fret about your minerals being rooted away by something other than whitetail. With the Mineral Mizer bag you simply fill it with your favorite mineral of choice, hang it in a desired location at a height that can be reached by the wildlife you are targeting, wet it, and forget about it. Yes, it’s that easy and yet so critical.

Purchase your Mineral Mizer products at www.mineralmizer.com and start practicing your smile for that hero shot this fall.


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