Researching gun values just became simpler and more reliable. Now you can use Find Guns, powered by Gun Digest, on your computer or mobile device.

Forget Googling secondhand information from Joe Gun Collector to get the latest shaky estimate on how much a used or antique gun or deer rifle is fetching. Find Guns puts all five pounds of firearm values information from the print version of Standard Catalog of Firearms at your fingertips. Instantly research gun values by condition and browse photos to ensure proper identification.
Find Guns is available for:
— iPhones & iPads through the Find Guns app
— Android devices through the Find Guns app
— Internet browsers at (works best on Chrome and Safari browsers)
“In the past, there hasn’t been an efficient way to keep pricing information handy at gun shows,” said Jim Schlender, publisher of Gun Digest. “Find Guns is the next generation of gun price guides. It offers our trusted gun pricing information through something most people carry around already – a smartphone.”
Find Guns is yours for a monthly subscription of just $3.99. For the best value, purchase the annual subscription for $19.99.
As a free bonus, Find Guns also comes with a gun show finder, available even if you don’t sign up for a subscription. Locate gun shows near you based on location, date and mileage.
Gun Digest is the world’s foremost authority on guns in print and online. In addition to Gun Digest the Magazine, the brand’s portfolio includes the Gun Digest Books line, Standard Catalog of Firearms, the online community, and e-commerce specialty store,
For more information, visit, the Gun Digest Facebook page,, or follow on Twitter@gundigest.