If you’re dead-set on managing and planning for the best deer season possible then it’s not something you want to take lightly and hope good things fall into your lap.
Making the most of deer season is a goal every hunter strives for, even if things might happen that make us veer off course. We can scout, plant and strategize as best we can but, well, life sometimes happens. Right? Family, work, those things on the weekend that pop up … we try to plan for them and yet we know we’ll miss a few hunts here and there.
But that’s OK. Family is more important and work, well, work just sometimes can’t be helped. But not planning anything ahead of time isn’t smart.

One of the best ways to get ahead is to start thinking now —during deer season — what you want to do and need to do this year. You’re in camp discussing moving stands, planting fields or doing some mowing and disc work on a field for fawning areas. But by next summer you may have forgotten about those stand discussions or why the fawning area is critical.
Get a calendar for your camp or home and start making notes. Write down dates, check the lunar cycles, plug in the key times for the rut phases in your area including the peak or any secondary “trickle” rut periods, and don’t forget. Get ahead now.
Additionally, being more knowledgeable about deer is a big help, too. Aside from things like soil tests or which seed is best for a food plot, knowing more about deer biology, behavior, public land hunting and shooting tips can help you become a better hunter.
The DDH Calendar Pack is a great resource, with the 2015 calendar, desk calendar and DDH Almanac all in one kit. The calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2015 whitetail rut forecast based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.
“This calendar rocks!” says Gordy Krahn, Editor of Deer & Deer Hunting. “One glance tells me which days I’m going to want to be in the field to catch bucks in the peak of the seeking and chasing phases of the rut — based on research by two of my favorite whitetail gurus, Charlie Alsheimer and Wayne Laroche. Now I can confidently plan my vacation days to coincide with peak deer activity. ‘Uh, boss, if I could just have November 8-12 off this fall, that would be great.’”
Don’t get behind in your planning for 2015. Get ahead, be smart, be on top of things with summer about to roll around, and by autumn you’ll be ready to show what your hard work and planning has produced.