Regular Price: $24.99
Special Price: $10.00
Savings: $14.99 (60%)
The Bargain Blogger recalls a story of a fellow hunter who nearly lost an arrow one season. The broadhead performed almost too well. The arrow passed through a deer and landed in some thick cover many yards behind the animal.
It took longer to find that darned thing than it did to drag the deer out. The Bargain Blogger’s hunter friend kept saying, "That broadhead alone cost me $30."
The lesson here is that a good deal on broadheads is more than worth your time. You don’t want to fire your wallet away with your arrow. Good thing you can get a three-pack of Liberty broadheads from American Broadhead Company for 60% off. That breaks down to $3.33 per broadhead.
Click here to get the best price on a three-pack of American Broadhead Company’s Liberty broadheads.