Hunting season isn’t far away for most states, and that means bucks will soon be making scrapes and rubs to leave signpost messages for other deer.
These signposts are one way deer communicate. They rub their heads on trees to make rubs, or on limbs over a scrape, and leave glandular secretions. They lick branches, pee on tarsal glands in scrapes, and deer sniff these odors, then leave their own secretions. It’s a fascinating part of the process hunters enjoy learning about.
Deer & Deer Hunting staffers selected some of their top accessories for making mock scrapes, freshening existing scrapes, and other hunting accessories.
With the seasons starting to arrive, any of these deer scents or accessories would make great additions to your preparations. Start early, get those bucks fired up and be ready to hunt!
1. Wildlife Research Magnum Scrape Dripper – Deer & Deer Hunting Editor Dan Schmidt: “These work great because you can hang them over a scrape or mock scrape and leave them. The design of the Scrape Dripper works during daytime hours to consistently freshen a scrape. Hang it high enough that a buck can’t yank it down, too.”
2. Code Blue Grave Digger Lures – Deer & Deer Hunting Managing Editor Alan Clemons: “One of the easiest things to use and freshen a scrape or to help make a great mock scrape. The scent in the soil lasts for a long time.”
3. Smokey’s Buck Interdigital Gland Lure – Deer & Deer Hunting Managing Editor Alan Clemons: “It only takes only a few drops of this powerful gland secretion sprinkled into a scrape to let a buck know there’s an interloper. A buck’s sense of smell is so acute, he’ll go crazy thinking another deer is challenging him.”
4. Smokey’s Pre-Orbital Gland Lure – Deer & Deer Hunting Editor Dan Schmidt: “I have some trail camera photos of really nice bucks coming in to check out this scent. It’s really great stuff that works.”
5. Nutra Deer Antler Builder Deer Mineral Lick – Deer & Deer Hunting Managing Editor Alan Clemons: “Why wait until spring or summer to get a mineral lick started? If your soil’s not frozen, turn up a good spot and add some Nutra Deer. Get it going now and then freshen it in spring.”