Take a look at Kelby Perah’s bottomland buck and your jaw probably will hit the floor before you think “Naa, that’s gotta be some kind of hybrid moose-deer critter or something.”

Nope, no moose. It looks sort of like a moose, for sure. But it’s a whitetail and a darn good one.
Perah killed the 201 2/8-inch buck Jan. 4 while hunting private land in Bossier Parish, in the northeast corner of Louisiana. The buck was scored as a typical, despite the heavy palmation, and had an inside spread of more than 21 inches, bases of more than six inches and weighed 240 pounds.
To top it off, Perah was using a Mosin-Nagant Model 91/30 rifle with open sights. The rifle has Russian roots dating to the late 1800s when it was developed for the military there.
“Everybody was laughing at me because I’ve got a big old beard and I was using a Russian gun,” Pearah, 24, told Louisiana Sportsman in this report. “I’m a gun freak. I shoot ‘em with anything. I’m big into guns, especially odd guns like that. I don’t hardly have any deer rifles. Most everything I have is a little unique.”
Perah was sitting on a stump in a flooded hardwood bottom. He said he was “the invited guy” to the hunt, and waited until the invitees all selected their stands for the hound hunt. Perah was directed to the flooded bottom by his friend’s grandfather.
“My buddy’s grandpa said, ‘Why don’t you just go out in that bottom right here? You might catch one slipping out’,” he said.
Turned out that stump-sitting proved to be a good stand!