Antlerless Deer Hunting Permit Winners Announced

Winners of Vermont’s muzzleloader season antlerless deer permits are available for viewing on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s website.

“Hunters who applied for muzzleloader antlerless deer permits may check our website to find out if they will be receiving a muzzleloader season antlerless permit,” said Scott Darling, Vermont’s Wildlife Management Program Director. “Knowing the answer will help them in planning their hunt and making informed harvest decisions this fall.”

The Fish and Wildlife Board approved the number of December muzzleloader permits at 14,400 for 20 of the state’s 24 Wildlife Management Units. The taking of antlerless deer with archery equipment is permitted in all WMUs except WMU-E. However, youth hunters are allowed to harvest any deer, regardless of WMU, during the youth deer hunting weekend on November 9 and 10.

Darling expects hunters to take about 2,470 antlerless deer in the muzzleloader season and an estimated additional 3,333 antlerless deer in youth and archery seasons.

“The winter of 2012-2013 was the second consecutive mild winter following the more severe winter of 2010-2011, which allowed good winter survival and reproduction in the spring,” said Darling. “It is important for hunters to continue to manage their local deer herds for deer herd health to ensure the number of deer remains appropriate for the available habitat.”

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