Bonus Deer Licenses Not Allowed At Some Public Sites

Hunters will not be able to use bonus antlerless deer licenses this year on some DNR-managed properties in northern Indiana because the extra hunting pressure is not needed to control the population at those sites.

The sites are Menominee Wetland Conservation Area (near Plymouth), Maxinkuckee Wetland Conservation Area (near Culver), the Hufford Wildlife Trust Area (south of Monticello), and the Manitou Wetland Conservation Area, including the Judy Burton Nature Preserve and the Bob Kern Nature Preserve (near Rochester).

The new special antlerless firearms season (Dec. 26, 2012 – Jan. 6, 2013) will be closed on the above listed properties as well.

Bonus antlerless deer licenses and the special antlerless firearm season help manage deer numbers by harvesting extra antlerless deer in areas where deer are too numerous and may be causing damage. Hunting pressure typically is high enough on public hunting areas during the archery, firearms, and muzzleloader seasons to adequately control the deer population without the need to harvest additional antlerless deer.

Hunters may still harvest antlerless deer at these properties with archery, crossbow, or muzzleloader licenses within the respective season dates, equipment requirements, and bag limits. During the deer firearms season (Nov. 17 – Dec. 2), hunters must only harvest antlered deer from these properties.

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