Deer hunters sometimes wonder whether they should carry a handgun for protection when venturing into public hunting land or when they may be coming out late at night in unfamiliar surroundings.
Others carry all the time, no matter what and no matter what their state laws say about guns and hunting. They’d rather be judged by 12, if necessary, than carried by six. Popular concealed carry calibers include the .380, 9mm and .40, with an abundant variety of gun sizes, brands, holsters and such for us to choose from. Practicing at the range or somewhere safe also is a good idea with a concealed carry weapon. If you’re going to tote it then you need to know how to draw and shoot it.
As handguns suitable for concealed carry continue driving overall firearms sales across the country, Gun Digest the Magazine’s Concealed Carry 2014 hits newsstands with information consumers and gun owners who carry need to choose the right handgun, find the best caliber and best accessories, and prepare for the unexpected.
The special issue is available on newsstands everywhere today.
Gun Digest the Magazine editors and contributors fill this annual issue with information that will educate and inform both current and would-be concealed carry gun owners. Readers will find expert reviews on several top carry firearm options, including Glock’s much talked about G42 chambered for the popular .380 caliber, the stylish and super-accurate Walther PPQ M2 semi-auto and the new, unique Taurus View pocket carry revolver in .38 Special.
The issue expands upon what considerations go into selecting the best possible carry gun with an excerpt from Gun Digest Buyer’s Guide to Concealed Carry Handguns. Plus, Grant Cunningham discusses ammunition options in “What Ammo is Best for Self-Defense?” Recognizing that sometimes the best advice comes from peers, curious consumers can also check out what other Gun Digest readers and social media fans said about their favorite concealed carry firearms and ammo recommendations.
Gun Digest the Magazine’s Concealed Carry 2014 features helpful state-by-state summaries of concealed carry laws in every state, including issuing authorities and their contact information. As an additional bonus, expert Massad Ayoob offers his valuable insight on the importance of not only carrying a firearm in order to be prepared for a violent encounter, but also the importance of carrying spare ammunition, a sometimes overlooked component by CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon) permit holders. All of this information and more can be found in the latest Gun Digest the Magazine.
Check out for subscription information to be sure you never miss a single issue.
The redesigned Gun Digest the Magazine (GDTM) is published 18 times a year and delivers the latest information on new guns, shooting gear and accessories, handloading, shooting tactics and training, as well as insight on vintage and collectible guns. It also delivers comprehensive information on new and used guns for sale in its extensive classifieds section, as well as a quarterly calendar of dates and times of gun shows across the country. Doug Howlett, a 20-year veteran in the outdoor and firearms publishing industry, edits GDTM. GDTM is now available as print and digital subscriptions. For more information visit
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With 15 years of active law enforcement and 30 years of hunting, I’ve had run ins in & out of the woods with poachers and your regular criminals on the roadside. Concealed carry is extremely necessary.