Why Crossbow Hunting Food Plots is your Best Option

If you're hunting from ground blinds or stands with crossbows, preparing a food plot for the optimal shot distance is a key to success.
If you’re hunting from ground blinds or stands with crossbows, preparing a food plot for the optimal shot distance is a key to success.

It’s that time of the year again. Turkey season is in and a lot of people all over the country are working on the installation and planting of food plots in preparation for the upcoming deer season.

We do whatever it takes to prepare these food plots properly to increase the odds of crossing paths with a mature buck in that spot come fall. All that prep work can still be limiting, however, if you’re not hunting with the right tools when the time comes.

Because of the possibility of inclement weather, or the simple ease and comfort of it, ground blind hunting has become increasingly popular. Many people hang a tree stand overlooking their food plots and will place a ground blind in the same general location so they have options to consider if the weather is less than agreeable. Considering the versatility in how people hunt over food plots, there is really only one piece of archery equipment designed for superior function in tree stand and ground blind scenarios: the hunting crossbow.

Crossbows and ground blinds are a great combination since you can adjust the windows and have more space to move with the crossbow.
Crossbows and ground blinds are a great combination since you can adjust the windows and have more space to move with the crossbow.

Windows in ground blinds tend to be  more difficult to navigate for vertical bow shooters. You have to consider the height of the blind, how high you sit in your chair and several other things, in order to make sure your bow won’t hit anything inside the blind that might throw off your shot.

With a crossbow, you’ll never have to worry about that. Today’s crossbows are typically so narrow that you and a hunting buddy can comfortable maneuver inside the blind. A crossbow also can be cocked and loaded as you’re getting settled into the ground blind, so there is no extra motion of drawing it back while the game is in range, adding an extra element that could potentially spook your quarry.

Proving the benefits in the ground blind also offers up some tremendous advantages for hunting out of tree stands. Crossbows allow plenty of maneuverability in a tree stand. The really narrow crossbows allow you to stealthily take shots at game that happen to be behind you, while also offering increased opportunity to position yourself perfectly to take a shot at virtually any angle in any direction, something not easily accomplished with vertical bows.

In the end, the reason you hunt over food plots is because it increases your odds of encountering game at close range. Once you get the buck of a lifetime within 30 yards, you better be able to make that shot count, and there simply is no better tool that the crossbow to make that happen, regardless of circumstances.

Crossbows are fantastic hunting tools and supre fun to use, as Joshua Leard discovered with this great crossbow buck still in velvet.
Crossbows are fantastic hunting tools and supre fun to use, as Joshua Leard discovered with this great crossbow buck still in velvet.

For example, the Carbon Phantom RCX is a blazingly fast and ultra-narrow hunting machine. At just 8.75 inches inside-of-cam to inside-of-cam, you’re left with an incredible amount of space inside a ground blind to move into position for any shot. From a tree stand, the butt stock of the Carbon Phantom RCX is adjustable to provide perfect fit and feel so you’re comfortable shooting from any position. Not to mention it launches arrows down range at a remarkable 385 feet per second while only requiring 160 pounds of draw weight. This crossbow if as efficient a tool as any piece of archery equipment on the market!

Taking all of these factors into consideration, the crossbow is by far the most effective tool to use while hunting over food plots, simply because of their versatility. If you’ve done the work and taken the time to plant a food plot to increase your odds, it only makes sense to hunt with the tool that offers the most opportunity for executing an ethical shot. The hunting crossbow is simply the BEST way to go!

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