A Deer on a Bike: The Untold Story

With more than 6 million views, the now-legendary “Deer on a Bike” video is still getting attention from deer hunters and others who think it’s funny, cool, silly, crazy and even a wee bit dangerous.

Now you can hear the rest of the story.

Abigail Hehner is an Online Video Editor and Producer for Deer & Deer Hunting, and the videographer who compiled the footage. The guy on the bike is her father, and they shot this nifty video while hunting in Minnesota with friends several years ago.

Some folks drag. Some use carts. Some have ATVs or UTVs, or can drive in with a truck to load up a buck. But this is pretty smart and innovative if you ask us, and it definitely got the job done with this buck!

Check out the updated video with the full story and spread the word!

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