Deer Hunt With Hounds – 21 Deer Shot

Hunting deer with hounds is an age-old tradition in South Carolina. These hunters use their proven tactics to pile up 21 deer during a day-long hunt. The lead hunter also has an interesting an encounter with a neighboring landowner. How do you think he handled the situation?

According to a report by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, using dogs is a traditional form of hunting in the 28 county coastal plain of South Carolina and is allowed by state law without restrictions. However, in the 18 county Piedmont, dog hunting is prohibited. This is due to a general absence of deer in that area during the early twentieth century. Once deer were present, there was no dog-hunting tradition established in the Piedmont.

“Opinions vary regarding the extent to which this type of hunting should be regulated, if at all,” the report continues. “Increasingly, still hunters and landowners have complained about hunting dogs crossing into private property which can be a significant nuisance even if there is no property damage caused.”


Aggrieved property owners point to their right to enjoy private property without outside interference.

“At present, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources does not have regulatory authority to act on these complaints and concerns. If concerns continue to arise, and are not adequately addressed, there will likely be increasing pressure to restrict the tradition of hunting deer with dogs. In response, the legislature and the DNR decided to ask representatives of those who hold a stake in the eventual outcome to work together to find informed solutions.”

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