DNR Teaches Deer Hunting

Women, men and youth who want to learn the basics of deer hunting are invited to the Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) deer day on Sunday, Aug. 12, near Mora.

The free program, which is geared for those who want to learn more about deer hunting, will be hosted by the DNR’s Becoming An Outdoors Family Program from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. on the Wilkens Farm near Mora in Kanabec County.

Youth, ages 10 and older, are welcomed to attend accompanied by a guardian.

Following presentations on deer and deer habit, participants will have hands-on opportunities to learn and practice field skills including how to track deer; deer stand placement and safety; and shotgun, rifle, archery and muzzleloader shooting. Instructors will include DNR wildlife staff, DNR conservation officers, Becoming An Outdoors Woman (BOW) volunteers and members of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association.

“Deer day is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in learning the basics of deer hunting and get hands-on experience,” said Linda Bylander, BOW coordinator.

Register by contacting Bylander by phone at 218-833-8628 or by email at Linda.bylander@state.mn.us.

Registration is limited. A lunch will be served.

Complete list of BOW progams are available online.

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