He’s 102 Years Old and Putting Deer on the Ground!

Clyde Roberts of Virginia is 102 years old and still deer hunting!
Clyde Roberts of Virginia is 102 years old and still deer hunting!

We love hearing stories about deer hunters but this one is pretty doggone cool by any stretch of the imagination.

A few weeks ago we had a great video of Grandma Spencer shooting a buck (and gutting it!) in Ohio with her crossbow and grandson. And now we hear about Clyde Roberts in Virginia, who at 102 years old is still hunting to put whitetails on the ground and venison in the freezer.

Here’s the skinny from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries:

102 year-old Clyde Roberts made the 20-foot climb to his Bedford County treestand platform. At about 4:30 PM, a buck appeared along the woodline and began working a scrape. One of America’s oldest—and perhaps the oldest—active hunters touched off the shot. The buck bounded away but fell after less than 40 yards. The following week, Mr. Roberts dropped a mature doe at 144 yards with a perfectly-placed shot with his .270. Clyde’s hearing may not be the best but his eyesight is still great! And the smile tells all!

Awesome! Salute to you, Mr. Roberts!


Put More Venison in Your Freezer by Understanding the Rut

 In Deer & Deer Hunting’s Guide to Hunting the Rut, you’ll discover how to understand the three phases of the rut — pre-rut, rut, and post-rut — and how understanding each of these phases can help you become a better hunter.

Expand your understanding of the rut and corresponding deer behavior with contributions from experts like John Ozoga, Jeremy Flinn, Charles Alsheimer and many more. Discover how to maximize your time in the field in order to realize more success killing big bucks, and get top tactics from top names like Patrick Meitin, Bill Vaznis, John Eberhart and more.

Click here to learn more


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