Hunter Gets Buck of His Dreams But Not Legally

A Wisconsin man received multiple citations and more than $1,100 in fines after illegally shooting a monster buck during an antlerless-only season.

According to wardens, Burnett County hunter Scott Schutta shot a 20-point buck that he was very familiar with, as it was captured by numerous trail cameras over the past few seasons. Wardens say they were tipped off after Schutta sent photos of the dead deer to several of his friends and those photos were passed along to others who reported the kill as being illegal.

Wisconsin held two antlerless-only seasons in December — a statewide doe hunt from Dec. 9 to 12 and a “Holiday Hunt” (does only) from Dec. 24 to Jan. 1. The state’s regular archery season (including crossbows) runs from Sept. 18 to Jan. 9, but bowhunters cannot shoot antlered bucks during those two periods in December.

According to authorities, Schutta shot the buck while hunting with a crossbow, which would have been legal had it not been during the antlerless-only season. Reports said that Schutta, after realizing his error, tried to register the buck as being shot before the antlerless-only season. Wardens also said the Schutta illegally shot the deer while hunting over corn bait in an area where baiting is not allowed. Wisconsin’s baiting laws vary by county. Baiting is not allowed in counties with known cases of chronic wasting disease, and/or counties in nearby vicinity of where CWD has been found (near county lines).

The DNR confiscated the deer, including the cape and antlers.

A conservation officer poses with the confiscated buck. (Wisconsin DNR photo)
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