William Lloyd heard of a big buck that was roaming the woods and bean fields of eastern Arkansas. This led him to start knocking on the doors of landowners, asking for permission to hunt. And it worked. He hunted the same private land for weeks, even seeing the buck a few times until December, when Lloyd shot the Arkansas state record buck. He scored 202-3/8 B&C points and recently joined the Boone and Crockett world record books as the No. 12 largest typical buck of all time.
Eight other whitetails were recently added to the Boone and Crockett world-record rankings, including the Brewster Buck, Kyress Buck, Tucker Buck and the Butcher Buck. The Boone and Crockett records go back 194 years, yet more than 20% of the biggest bucks ever harvested were added in just the last seven years. All of the world-record animals, including the nine latest additions, can be found in Boone and Crockett Club’s newly published Records of North American Big Game, 15th Edition. New editions are printed every six years. The 15th Edition adds trophies accepted 2017 through 2021, including more than 4,500 new entries across 38 categories of North American big game.