Kayser Scores on Super Buck Testing New Bullet from Hornady

DDH TV co-host Mark Kayser and a mule deer buck he toppled testing the new Hornady ELD-X bullet. (Photo copyright Mark Kayser)
DDH TV co-host Mark Kayser and a mule deer buck he toppled testing the new Hornady ELD-X bullet. (Photo copyright Mark Kayser)

Sometimes you get lucky and receive an invitation to hunt a premiere property. D&DH TV co-host Mark Kayser received just that and was on the hunt in western South Dakota for either a prairie whitetail or a tall-tined muley.

After several days of hunting Kayser couldn’t believe the number of mature deer he encountered and finally settled his Nikon reticle on this big-bodied buck. Kayser was field-testing the new Hornady ELD-X bullet and one shot from his .300 Winchester magnum ended the hunt. The ELD-X bullet pierced the heart and created a devastating wound channel that toppled the buck on the spot.


Make Your Hunting Vacation Plans Now for 2016!
Discover intriguing facts about and high-quality images of whitetail deer with the Whitetails 2016 Daily Calendar. Gain insight into deer traits, behavior, and more with new whitetail trivia every day. This DESKTOP whitetail calendar is great for any hunter or enthusiast seeking out compelling information and captivating images of your number one deer, the whitetail.

2016 Whitetails Daily Desktop CalendarEnjoy a fun fact every day – topics include:

  • How deer adapt to deep snow and cold weather
  • The types of cover doe groups prefer for bedding areas
  • What causes bucks to grow non-typical antlers
  • Survival traits and tricks of young fawns
  • Mature buck behavior throughout the year


  • Full-color photos of whitetail deer through every season
  • Useful information for locating whitetails
  • Fun and unique information that you may learn for the first time

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