Learn More About the Popular AR-15 Rifle

Gun Digest Shooter’s Guide to the AR-15, authored by firearms expert and noted author Richard A. Mann, cuts through the clutter and offers readers a user-friendly look at today’s most popular modern sporting rifle.

AR 15 Shooters GuideThis latest entry in Gun Digest Books’ Shooter’s Guide series helps AR-15 owners understand and appreciate the complexity of this versatile firearm.

Supported by hundreds of photos, Mann delivers an explanation of the AR platform, shares the wide range of AR-15 applications available, offers tips on accuracy and ammunition, and much more. Novices and experienced shooters alike will all find something to learn in Mann’s Gun Digest Shooter’s Guide to the AR-15.

Mann is one of today’s most popular gun scribes and the author of articles for dozens of leading magazines. He is also the author of Gun Digest Books’ Handgun Training for Personal Protection and served as editor for the most recent Cartridges of the World, 13th Edition.

Brush up on your AR-15 knowledge by picking up Gun Digest Shooter’s Guide to the AR-15now available online at Gun Digest Store, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and from most other major booksellers.

Gun Digest is the world’s foremost authority on guns in print and online. In addition to Gun Digest the Magazine, the brand’s portfolio includes the Gun Digest Books line, Standard Catalog of Firearms, the GunDigest.com online community, and ecommerce specialty store, www.gundigeststore.com.

For more information, visit www.gundigest.com, the Gun Digest Facebook page, www.facebook.com/gundigest, or follow on Twitter @gundigest.
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