Major Changes Implemented For Idaho Hunting Seasons

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has adopted 2013 seasons for deer, elk, pronghorn, black bear, mountain lion and gray wolf, as proposed by Fish and Game biologists.

Idaho-Fish-and-Game-261x300The new seasons include an increase in elk controlled hunt and pronghorn tags and expanded wolf hunting and trapping seasons.

A summary of major changes for deer hunting include:

— Reduce antlerless tags in Units 22, 31, 32, 32A and 39 to maintain or increase deer numbers.

— Move popular rotating muzzleloader controlled hunt from east side of Unit 45 to east side of Unit 52.

— Add new archery hunt in Unit 45 with 10 tags.

— Move archery unlimited controlled hunt in Unit 72 up two weeks to start on Nov. 16 and run through Dec. 5, and expand the hunt area into a part of Unit 76.

— Reinstate 390 either-sex deer tags reduced after 2010-11 winter in Units 60, 62, 64, 66 and 67.

— Create Oct. 10 through Nov. 30 “high-quality” buck hunts with five tags each in Hunt Areas 21, 28-1, 30, 36A and 36B.

— Convert 85 extra antlerless tags in Units 21 and 36A to youth extra antlerless tags.

For the full list of changes for elk, pronghorn, black bear, mountain lion and gray wolf, click here.



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